Profile PictureBanana's Assets for VRChat

Banana Poster Loader

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Banana Poster Loader


This project uses VRChat Image Loading, for more information check:

This project contains two custom shaders: an LCD screen shader that makes the downloaded image look like it's being displayed on an LCD screen, and a paper shader that makes the downloaded images look like a poster.

Technical details

This package comes with 3 meshes and tow custom shaders.

The shaders are simple to edit using Amplify Shader Editor.

Quest & PC compatible!

Terms of Use
You agree to these terms and conditions when you purchase this asset.

You can use this asset for commissions but the client has to buy the models and show proof of purchase.

Any questions you could contact me using Discord: .bbread

You can NOT re-sell any data from the package either by itself or in a VRChat world.

Use of this asset in VRChat is allowed.

Use of these assets in VRChat and any other game is allowed.

Distribution of this asset or any of their data including scripts and shaders is forbidden. Distribution of copies of these models (either through retopology or copying) is also forbidden. Distribution of modified versions of these assets is also forbidden.

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